
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Peninsular buildings and Continental french

I haven't posted in almost 3 weeks, but that's mostly because i hadn't finished anything until late last week.

2 weeks ago I started back in on some peninsular war buildings. I'm building a Spanish town to skirmish in.

I've posted pics of my Spanish Church WIP. I haven't done any more work on this one yet. I need to get some Headstones for the grave, but until then I don't really want to put any more work into it if i can't finish it. I have leads on some nice gravestones though, so stay tuned...

in the meantime I've been working on a few bases of buildings. they are in varying states of completion.  the first is the most complete. all i really need to do it make some doors, put the texture on the walls, and paint/base it.

12x12"  Spanish courtyard & buildings.
I've added some  bits of stone brick on the walls. when i put the  texture on, it will go just over the very edge of the plastic brick, and make it looks like the stucco is cracking and falling off.

Next is the smallest base so far.  this is a small  house and yard, with a home-made lean-to.

small house with lean-to and walled yard. bases ix 8x12"
this one is almost at the same stage as the first one, except it still needs some stone brick sheet placed around the house and walls.

the last one(so far, there will be 1 or 2 more) has the buildings done but needs walls for the courtyard, and 2nd floor, as well as the aforementioned stone brick sheeting.

last base so far, on a 8x16" base.
iv have one or 2 more bases still to do, but i ran of out tile roof, so I have to wait until the local store (Dundas Valley Hobby) gets more roofing tile in.  I also have a 2nd set of pieces for the church which I think I will modify into a Town hall with a square in front.

Next, are the things I actually finished.  these are units that are part of a commission for my Friend Derek. he wanted a French army to fight his Austrians,  so here are the first few units.

1st Battalion 2nd infantry regiment, in greatcoats.  Perry figures,
with Victrix Old Guard Grenadier Command

1st Battalion, 8th  infantry Regiment, Perry figures

Skirmishers & Brigade commander, all perry, with the hornist
arm from a victrix box.
Since we generally do our armies for around 1812, i have done these with hte pre-1812 flags, since most units didn't get or use the 1812 patter standards until early 1813, after the end of the Russian campaign..

I have 2 more line units and a battery of guns, to finish the first brigade of french. I should be done by the end of the week.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Terrain and commanders

a few weeks ago I was in Toronto at a store called Meeplmart an I picked up a GW modular hill for about $22 CDN + tax.  so at the end of last week i got it painted up, and I flocked it yesterday.   I think it turned out nice. I'm looking forward to adding a second set to complete the hill, and adding one of the smaller 1-peice hill.   I took a few pictures with some peninsular war officers I painted several weeks ago.the french one is a perry miniature and the other 2 are Victrix Peninsular war Colonels.

 At the same time I finished the hill, I also finally finished my GW Forgeworld Warhammer Siege works.  this is a huge winding 24"  redoubt that only costs about $65-70CDN ( 41£ ). I got it during one of my friend's bi-annual Forgeworld orders. it is a lovely piece! i have yet to find  anything of comparable size and quality for that low a price.  That's quite a surprise since it's coming from GW-based company.  my only complaint is that there aren't enough gun points, but it is meant for renaissance-fantasy  so i suppose only one gunpoint makes sense. I'm probably going to get a 2nd one and scratch built a few more straight sections with firing points to do a big  Redoubt for my Russian army.

the Full Forgeworld redoubt pictured with  my Baden artillery
the Left flank of the redoubt
the gun point

And finally, a close up of the Victrix Peninsular British colonels pack, complete with  British pioneer.