
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Acheson Creations Log Barriers

While at historicon, I picked up A few items from Acheson Creations.  Among these items were  14 Log barrier sections(10 straight, 4 corners).  These look fairly simple and do not appear to have much detail when seen unpainted. they have fairly thick bases(as do the other items I have from Acheson designs). But hen you paint them some subtle detail comes out and they look much better. they are about 2" long , 1" wide, and just under 1" tall.  each piece cost cost only $0.50 USD($7 for the whole lot).

Notice the difference between the original base and the final product. I used a Dremel tool  and sanded down thick base to a slope.I also glued 2 sets of 2 together to have 2x 4" pieces.

Here is an enclose using all the painted sections. for Size Comparison, I've included a few 28mm TAG Renaissance polish. The wall of the enclosure us 9"x7".  once I finish the last unpainted piece, the enclosure will be 11"x7" with a wider gap.  I also have 2  half-inch ends I've made to taper off the base on end pieces so it's not an extreme elevation change.

Acheson Creations has all sorts of  these 2" wall sections for .50 cents.  I don't think  they can be beat for the price.

The only items I now have left to finish, that I bought at Historicon, are a 28mm WW2 Russian platoon and a 16 28mm Perry Hussars(going to be Baden hussars).


  1. Hi Steve,

    Thanks for sharing the info on Acheson Creations. I'm having a trawl around their site. They have some fairly neat scenery and terrain and some quite original fantasy stuff which is catching my eye.

    Anyway, thanks again,

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