
Sunday, November 14, 2010

A New take on an old house and Telephone Poles

in 2001 when i first started buying GW Lord of the Rings figures, I built a little house as some terrain as at that point I wasn't a terrain maker yet, and had none.  I have meant for a while to re base and re-roof it. i finally got around to it earlier this week. unfortunately i forgot to take pictures of the house before i repainted and rebased it. but needless to say, it was very poorly based and the paint job was mediocre at best. the old roof was made out of  very thin plastic that curled over time.

Repainted and based house with Original roof and a 
28mm Soviet officer

At the beginning of last week i wandered over to the local gaming store and discovered that they now carry Model Builders Supply plastic sheets.  I picked up a sheet of ceder roofing  cut it to size and glued it to some sheet styrene. I then applied wood filler to the edges. i replaced the original  Sheet styrene base with a smaller piece of MDF with edges sanded for a smoother transition. this make it fit in with most of my other terrain. all in all i think it will pass as a rural European house.

Repainted & based House with new roof

I also got an opportunity to take some pics of the mass of Telephone poles I painted over the last 4 days. I really find that little things like telephone poles make a table more vibrant. 20s of the trees were actually a commission for Ron Peraziana. these are also based on MDF bases approximately 45x45mm.


  1. The new roof really makes the building look good. Shutters on the windows might help even more. Great job.

  2. I agree the small things give a table its character. Who makes the telephone poles?


  3. the telephone poles are Lionel O scale. a box of 10 was $11 CDN.
