
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

French Gun Team

So over they weekend i got on the painting of my french gun team, which as pictured earlier, has a limber team and caisson team.  this is for my somewhat-sidelined peninsular war skirmish project, using Sharp practice.  this is the first Item I've done for it, and it's also the first time I've used tufts for basing.
Full gun team from Front Rank

The front rank  artillery equipment is really fantastic .  The horse teams even come with bendable wire to attach the horses to the limber. the wire is unfortauntely un textured, so I painted the rope texture on.

It's also the first time I've tried a more arid basing scheme, including the first attempt at using tufts.  it turned out ok, although i couldn't use as many tufts as i wanted. it gets expensive.


  1. Very nice work. I quite like how your arid basing turned out.

  2. Really nice Stephen.

    Perfect eye candy for the tabe.

  3. Fantastic! Your attention to detail is amazing.

    ~ Jonathan

  4. Looking really lovely... great stuff!

  5. Natural looking results Stephen.
