
Friday, March 7, 2014

Rivers part 3: Finished

tuesday a applied the  super-thick gloss Gel medium to the rivers. the gel dries faster then I anticipated, but in thicker areas, it takes up to 3 days to go completely transparent. most of it however took a mere 12 hours to dry.

last night a took some pictures of the finished rivers.

Birds Eye View of rover set up on table

River from a more reasonable angle, with a figure from last
years Convention game last-minute painting marathon

close-up of river surface
I also laid it out on my living room floor to confirm I had enough for my convention game.  Despite all the twists and turns, when all was laid and done, I had an extra 3 feet.

I'm keen to do some ponds and such, although I think I'll use the regular thickness  Gel medium when i do.

I still have 3 groups of things to do over the next few weeks.  i nee to paint my Russian artillery,  make a few more field s with removable inner areas, and i need to finish up the current batch of commissioned pulp figures. i have 2 weeks. that should be more then enough time...