The other day I stumbled upon the
Not By Appointment SYW uniforms blog . This site has a pretty solid selection of uniforms for the mid 18th century. I decided to re-do all my uniforms using David's wonderful templates.
Kurfurst Regiment |
Kurprinz Regiment |
LustigZollern Pandur Regiment |
Osterhaagen Dragoons |
Osterhaagen Dragoon Horse Grenadier |
Artillery Büchsenmeister |
Metzger Kuirassier | | | | | | | | |
I also re-touched the Kurfurst regiment's flag. I decided it was a little too purple. this brings it more in line with the facing colour of the actual regimental facings.
Old Kurfurst Regimentsfahne |
New Kurfurst Regimentsfahne |
I ordered the first regiment of infantry( 48 Fusiliers, 8 grenadiers, 2 3Ib cannons, 8 command), as well as the first squadron of the Metzger Kuirassier from Crusader USA. I also ordered the last 8 Turkish janissaries and the Regimental Kazan, another 10 sipahis, 24 Tufekcis skirmishers, and a Turkish cannon & team from TAG to mostly complete my Renaissance Turks/ImagiNation Asarya army. that should keep me busy for a while. I'll have to wait a bit to buy the artillery train for both nations' Gun teams. if anyone knows a company that produces Turkish limbers, let me know.
Incidentally, if anyone knows were to find information on the colors of the Tufekcis uniforms, please feel free to share. I have been as of yet unsuccessful in finding pictures of them.
Great uniforms!
ReplyDeleteOverall the army of Lustigzollern - Großgesaß has a somewhat 'Balkanic' look. I suspect the Electorate to be located not far from better known Borduria and Syldavia (& perhaps 'Eastern' Cavenderia).
Btw "L'esercito Ottomano di Candia a Passarowitz by Bruno Mugnai recommended on the 'Syldavia' blog is seemingly out of print, and 'Jiminho' blogger profile does not give access to his e-mail: but for the Tufekcis uniforms, maybe you can ask the question on the Miniature Page 18th C. forum?
(aka Louys de Monte-Cristo)
Indeed - very attractive and very colourful.
ReplyDeleteWe may be neighbours and I hope we can join together to give the savage Turk a drubbing.