The forces are as follows:
French raiders/Native groups:
1 group of 6 bow-armed Natives (War party, poor quality, but aggressive in combat)
2 groups of 8 musket-armed natives (War party, poor quality, but aggressive in combat)
2 groups of Compagnies Franches de la Marine ( good quality)
Big Men:
Chief Seganam, initiative 3
Dikanawida, initiative 2
Sunukkahkau, initiative 1
Capitaine Joseph Celeron, initiative 2
Lieutenant Jean-Claude Pècaudy, initiative 1
French Reinforcements(to enter on the 3rd blank card):
3 groups of 8 French line infantry (average quality)
1 light cannon & crew (average quality)
Big Men:
Captain Rene Duperrè, initiative 2
Languadoc Infantrie Standard Bearer
Lieutenant Zacharie Lafreniere, initiative 1
Lieutenant Stephane Rocheleau, initiative 1
British and Colonial Forces:
3 groups of 8 British line Infantry(average quality)
1 group of 8 British Grenadiers (good quality)
2 groups of 8 Colonial Rangers (good quality)
1 groups 8 British light infantry( average quality)
1 group of 10 Virginia Infantry(poor quality)
2 Light Cannons & 4 crew each (average quality)
1 light coehorn mortar and 2 crew (average quality)
Big Men:
Major James Abercromby, initiative 3
44th Regiment of Foot Standard Bearer
Captain Peter Halkett, initiative 2
Captain Robert Rogers, initiative 2
Major George Washington, initiative 2
Lieutenant Cameron Baxter, initiative 2
Lieutenant Alexander Field, initiative 1
Lieutenant George Williams, initiative 1
Lieutenant Robert Chadwick, initiative 1
Lieutenant Moses Hazen, initiative 1
The first turn and a half was uneventful. the British on their Blinds advanced on the Native village, and no one spotted anyone. although near the end of the 2nd turn Lt. Pècaudy and his group of French marines managed to spot Lt Field setting up his cannon for a shot to at the right side of the clearing. Pècaudy was in turn spotted by Hazen and his rangers.Both Hazen and Rogers appeared off their blinds and let loose a volley ate Pècaudy. Causing some shock among his men.
Fortunately, the 1st card of the 4th turn was the blank card. the french reinforcements marched on into what appearedto be the rear of the advancing British troops. Suddenly to left of the path, Major Washington appeared and charged into the fray, killing a pair of french infantry and beating the rest away with musket butts. Capitaine Duperrè quickly reorganized his column and let loose a volley. Lt Lafreniere Somehow found himself falling behind Rocheleau's artillery team ( the french players mixed up the order of his blinds by accident). Hearing the scuffle behind him, Major Abercromby took one group of infantry and his grenadiers to investigate. Upon reaching the path, he realized what was happening and sent a volley into Duperrè's infantry.
On the other flank, the Frenchmen were really taking a beating. Pinned and outnumbered 2 to 1, Lt Pècaudy signaled for his men to retreat. Seizing them moment, the 2 ranger officers moved in on Celeron's men and caught them in a 3-way crossfire. both British cannon teams had taken a shot at the wall, causing only minor damage. the Mortar overshot the sentries at the entrance, landing behind amidst Indians exiting the right most longhouse
When we ended the game at the end of the 6th turn, the french had gotten the artillery up in front of Washington's Virginians, With Duperrè and Lafreniere had set up a crossfire on the Virginians from either side of the cannon. the Rangers had cut down half the french marines on the other flank, and half the remaining ones were in retreat. With the beginning of a new turn, will he Virginian's take the initiative and charge the Cannon before it has time to load?
We'll be continuing this game on Sunday afternoon at Migs.
Great battle report!!! and very nice photos!