So i set about helping him locate some good and/or cheap figures. In the process I happened to stumble upon The Assault Group Website, and their beautiful Eastern renaissance range. I immediately decided i would be forced to buy some polish to fight Jon's cossacks. Lucky for me, I discovered at a Local convention that North Bay Games and Hobbies still had some TAG polish on clearance for $12.00 CDN.
I have put this project on Hold while i teach my friend Jon how to paint like I do (IE fast) Once he has caught up a bit i will continue to paint. I have another 27 Winged hussars, 9 Pancerni, 12 Reiters, 8 Guard Haiduks, 24 regular haiduks, and 24 more German style musketeers to paint.

Now this is is one project I will definitely not join in...but I will happily game it with you :) They look great!
Great looking figures! i asm just about to embark on some Polish myself