The game was a meeting engagement between Iraqis and British. The Iraqi force had Republican guard platoon(2 squads) in BMPs, a Iraqi regular platoon in BTRs( 4 squads, 3 BTRs) and a recon troupe of an AML 90 and a BRDM-2. the British had 4 sections of 8 man mounted in a quartet of Warrior ICVs, a 4-man platoon command squad, and a GPMG team. mounted in an FV432. on the 3rd turn we were going to bring in 2 T-72M1s and a challenger 1 for fun.
We were using modified arc of fire, which I have decided doesn't really capture the scale or flavour I'm looking for. it doesn't treat cover in a way that works for what I am looking for. It is clearly not really meant for urban areas, or very close-ranged fighting. I have been planing to switch to Disposable heroes, and the Seek Out, Close With and Destroy modern expansion. I've tried it a few items but had some issues with finding rules in the books. at that time i had come to the end of my interest in modern and put it all aside.
So yesterday(Sunday), Dave Hoyt and Jon Holmes came down and we played the Disposable Heroes rules. the game was much more to my liking, and with both Dave and I having at least a peripheral understanding of the rules, it went quite well. we only had an infantry battle between 2 platoons, but it worked well. especially since Jon kept hitting my poor Brits with RPGs (no easy task under the rules).
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