When we left off, Major washington was in a precarious position. his survival of his men survival(and his very own as well!) depended on beong the first to act. This was not to happen. Lt. Lafreniere's infantry got a shot off, getting another shock point. then Majeur Duperre charged into fisticuffs. After 3 rounds, the french were finally able to destroy the poor quality Virginia militia. Washington himself was badly wounded and left for dead. but the Virginian militia did their job. they not only single-handedly held up more the 3 times their number for 3+ turns, they actually managed to kill nearly a third of the french infantry, and caused enough shock points to the french to keep them in disarray for the next 2-3 turns. For this alone they get the MVG(Most Valuable Group) award for this game.
In the end, the French reinforcement commander decided to fall back in the face of a determined and capable British force, and leave the Indians and the small marine raiding party to their own devices.
We discovered a problem. The cannon rules are not sufficient for destroying walls. I think the rules for artillery are really supposed to represent the fact that they are firing canister.What we did was use the cannon rules as is, and give the wall sections 8 HP(rolled 2D6). this clearly did not work, as it made it very hard to breach the wall. In the entire length of the game, the 2 cannons mid a total of 5 HP between 2 wall sections. I think in the future when firing cannons at fortifications, when rolling for effect, i will make the cannons cause a hot on a 4+. I think also, we will classify fortifications as light( log cabins etc), medium( palisades, light earthworks), and heavy( full fortifications major earthworks). Light will get 1D6+1 HP , Medium 2D6 HP, and Heavy 3D6 HP per section.
This was the first test of the mortar rules. They seem fairly useful, especially in an assault like this one. I think one sensible modification would be to increase the deviation when you are attempting to shoot something you cannot see. I'd suggest doubling all the deviation ranges. I deliberately avoided shooting at anything I could not see in this game to avoid the issue. The unofficial mortar rules can be found in the files section of the TooFatLardies yahoo group or if you want to i can email them too you. contact me at crucible_orc (AT) hotmail (DOT) com
Excellent report and excellent blog. Sounds like a very action packed game. We have a Sharp Practice game set in Indostan (India), in a similar vane to yours (our blog names are frighteningly similar as well!). Please have a look http://adventuresinlead.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteGreat finish to your Batrep, once again fantastic pics.