Thursday morning i received a package from eureka miniatures USA in the mail. It contained 8 FIW provincial infantry firing, 8 loading, 1 officer, 1 NCO, 1 ensign, and 1 drummer. Eureka USA's service was pronominal. total turn around from placing the order to them arrivingat my doorstep, across an international border,was 7 days,
I had already bought George Washington and 10 of these figures off of Nic and Rob at the eureka booth 2 years ago at Historicon I knew then that they weer fantastic figures, i only waited this long to expand them because i only started really building up my collection a the beginning of this year. Combined, they complete my Virginia Provincial infantry contingent of 24 infantry and 3 big men, a drummer and standard for Sharp Practice.

Anyways, Friday night at the Club was a bust for me. No one was around to play a game with, so i chatted for a bit and came home(i'm within walking distance of the club house).I cleaned and prepared my Virginians Friday night, and then sat down and painted 8 British light infantry that have been kicking around for some time. I painted them in the uniforms of Colonel Gage's light infantry, the 80th regiment of foot. In future games, they will be commanded by Lt. Anthony Hayward.

Saturday evening, in about 5 hours, i painted the 20 remaining Virginians. They will be lead in games by Major Washington, and Lts Conway and Basset. Getting the regimental colours for the Virginia regiment was not easy. When i searched Thursday night, i could not find an existing flag image, but
Kronoskaf.com had a description of the King's and regimental colours. So I decided i would find a suitable set of colours from a different regiment and modify them. I decided on the 66th regiment of Foot's colours, since they had a V in the roman numeral, and the regimental colour was a solid colour field. This was important since the Virginia colours don't have a roman numeral. they instead have "VA Regt" in the rose & thistle wreath, on a plain whit back ground. I simply changed to background colour to white, then deleted the roman numerals, except for the V. I flipped the V and turned it into an A, and then filled in the additional space. After doing so I contacted Richard Couture at
Kronoskaf.com and sent him copies of the jpegs. I made. That way, Richard has a set of pics for the flags, and anyone else that wants it can get it

The Virginia regiment colours I created i created
Love the flags, I might pinch that idea, if you don't mind?