I got a call today form a fellow at my gaming club. it seems he and his friend were going to be going off to Historicon this year, but his friend dropped out. now he was looking for someone local that would go on short notice, so he called me.
Now, I'm currently Unemployed, so i was not able to go this year. but this fellow gamer offered to take me down for $75 CDN. this gets me a room for 3 nights and transportation there and back(which is about 450 miles/8 hours). Basically, he wants someone to ride down there with him so he's not alone. I actually have enough money to cover that and admission to Historicon, plus a little extra for food.
That said, you can't go to historicon and not buy anything(at least I can't). So I'm taking a good lot of the 28mm terrain I've been working on. I'll have some of the rock outcroppings I've been working on. I'll have 6 of them, and they will be selling for $30 USD (give or take, depending on the size). I'll also have a bunch of fields and an orchard:

1x 8x8" base with stone wall corner ($20USD)
5x 8x12" bases (various rail fence, stone wall and hedges, $25USD)
1x 12x12" base w Hedges($30)
1x 12x12" base with hand-made rail fencing all around ($40USD)
1x 12x12 orchard w/4 trees and stone wall ($40)
I'll be selling these in the Flea market on Friday and Saturday, but it you want to get the drop and arrange to met sometime on Thursday after 4pm, just email me
HERE Before midnight tonight.