I was looking to get some pieces cut to make movement trays for my skirmish cavalry(which are on GF9 pill bases). so i discussed the idea with him and he game up with what you see here.
Finished trays with a pair of laser cut bits as-is. |
I put together an order with 3 other guys. I bought 40, and between the other 3 guns there was another 80 added. WE picked the order up form a US PO box just over the boarder last week, and i finished off 3 by mounting them on 1.5mm(1/16") plastic. The pill bases fit perfectly. I'm very pleased with the final product.
In other news, after 2 months of waiting my local hobby store(not the Local gaming store, the actual model/RC/train store) finally got in my order of O scale Spanish roof tile. So now I can get going on the rest of my Spanish village. I can't yet finish the Spanish church, but the grave stones will be ordered next time J & M miniatures puts in an order to Renedra.